
Experiment Overview

Repository ID: FR-FCM-Z28W Experiment name: Platelet_ion_monitoring_Fig2 MIFlowCyt score: 78.50%
Primary researcher: Alessandro Aliotta PI/manager: Lorenzo ALBERIO Uploaded by: Alessandro Aliotta
Experiment dates: 2016-11-01 - 2018-12-31 Dataset uploaded: Aug 2019 Last updated: Jun 2020
Keywords: [flow cytometry] [platelet activation] [kinetics] [blood platelets] [ion transport] Manuscripts: [32427422] Cytalogo
Organizations: Lausanne University Hospital, Division of hematology and central hematology laboratory, Lausanne, (Switzerland)
Purpose: To determine adequate cytosolic dye loading conditions. We incubated platelets with different concentrations of AM ester indicator derivatives (Fluo-3, ING-2, and IPG-2). Fluorescence was monitored and measured over time.
Conclusion: This experiment allowed to determine optimal incubation time for the three indicators, and the optimal concentration with good fluorescence shifts and stable signals.
Comments: Figure 2 FCS files from manuscript "Flow cytometric monitoring of dynamic cytosolic calcium, sodium, and potassium fluxes following platelet activation"
Funding: see manuscript
Quality control: None
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