
Experiment Overview

Repository ID: FR-FCM-Z6YW Experiment name: Increased Frequency of T Peripheral Helper Cells and Plasmablasts Correlates with Disease Activity in Childhood-Onset Systemic Lupus Erythematosus with Nephritis MIFlowCyt score: 26.25%
Primary researcher: Ryan Baxter PI/manager: Elena Hsieh Uploaded by: Ryan Baxter
Experiment dates: 2017-01-20 - 2023-01-20 Dataset uploaded: Jan 2023 Last updated: Jan 2023
Keywords: [T cell activation] [SLE] [plasmablasts] [lupus] [Tph cells] [DN2 cells] [nephritis ] Manuscripts:
Organizations: University of Colorado Anschutz School of Medicine, Immunology, Aurora, CO (United States)
Purpose: To further understand the immunopathogenesis of childhood-onset SLE (cSLE), particularly LN, with the ultimate goal of better patient-specific therapy, we characterized the immunologic status of treatment-naïve cSLE patients (with and without LN) at disease onset and over time (longitudinal) compared to age and sex-matched healthy controls. We integrated clinical, mass cytometry (CyTOF), and gene expression data (DxTerity®). We applied traditional a priori knowledge-guided and unbiased computational analyses to capture high-dimensional phenotypic (i.e., cell identity) and functional (i.e., cytokine, activation, interferon-response) parameters, relevant to ?patient-level? and ?organ-level? phenotypes, to identify biologically meaningful signals that may escape conventional approaches.
Conclusion: We performed peripheral blood immune profiling via mass cytometry and gene expression analysis in 24 newly diagnosed untreated cSLE patients, with longitudinal follow up over three years. We discovered LN-specific correlates of disease activity including CD8+ T cell activation, increased frequency of T peripheral helper cells and plasmablasts, and B cell cytokine production. These findings support further investigation of T and B cell functions underlying renal pathogenesis.
Comments: None
Funding: Not disclosed
Quality control: None
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