
Experiment Overview

Repository ID: FR-FCM-Z7YM Experiment name: OMIP-69, Spectral Flow Cytometry, 40 colors, PBMCs of GPA patients and HC MIFlowCyt score: 51.50%
Primary researcher: Nanthicha Inrueangsri PI/manager: Nanthicha Inrueangsri Uploaded by: Nanthicha Inrueangsri
Experiment dates: 2022-02-21 - 2022-03-01 Dataset uploaded: Nov 2023 Last updated: Apr 2024
Keywords: [PBMC] [spectral flow cytometry] [OMIP-69] [ANCA] Manuscripts: [32830910]
Organizations: University Medical Center Groningen, Groningen, (The Netherlands)
Purpose: Immune profiling of granulomatosis with polyangiitis (GPA) patients may be useful for tracking disease activity. However, reliable immune signatures for GPA activity are lacking. In this study, we examined circulating immune profiles in GPA patients during active and remission disease states to identify potential immune patterns associated with disease activity. The distribution and phenotypic characteristics of major circulating immune cells were studied on cryopreserved peripheral blood mononuclear cells from GPA patients (active, n=20; remission, n=20) and healthy controls (n=20) leveraging a 40-color optimized multicolor immunofluorescence panel (OMIP-69).
Conclusion: Deep phenotyping uncovered a distinct composition of major circulating immune cells in active GPA and GPA in remission, with the most significant findings emerging within the monocyte compartment. Our detailed analysis revealed circulating monocyte diversity beyond the conventional monocyte subsets. We identified eight classical monocyte populations, two intermediate monocyte populations, and one non-classical monocyte population. Notably, active GPA had a higher frequency of CD45RA+CCR5+CCR6-CCR7+/lowCD127-HLA-DR+CD2- classical monocytes and a lower frequency of CD45RA-CCR5-/lowCCR6-CCR7-CD127-HLA-DR+CD2+/- classical monocytes, which both strongly correlated with disease activity.
Comments: None
Funding: This collaboration project was realized within the Target-to-B consortium, financed by the PPP Allowance made available by Top Sector Life Sciences & Health to Samenwerkende Gezondheidsfondsen (SGF) under project number LSHM18055-SGF to stimulate public-private partnerships, and by co-financing by health foundations that are part of the SGF. This project was also supported by funding from the De Cock-Hadders Foundation and the Development and Promotion of Science and Technology Talents Project (Royal Government of Thailand scholarship).
Quality control: Unstained and single-stained cells/beads.

Experiment variables

· Active disease A10_Batch2_Unmixed.fcs · A11_Batch2_Unmixed.fcs · A12_Batch2_Unmixed.fcs · A13_Batch2_Unmixed.fcs · A14_Batch3_Unmixed.fcs · A15_Batch3_Unmixed.fcs · A16_Batch3_Unmixed.fcs · A17_Batch3_Unmixed.fcs · A18_Batch3_Unmixed.fcs · A19_Batch3_Unmixed.fcs · A1_Batch 1_Unmixed.fcs · A20_Batch3_Unmixed.fcs · A2_Batch 1_Unmixed.fcs · A3_Batch1_Unmixed.fcs · A4_Batch1_Unmixed.fcs · A5_Batch1_Unmixed.fcs · A6_Batch2_Unmixed.fcs · A7_Batch2_Unmixed.fcs · A8_Batch2_Unmixed.fcs · A9_Batch2_Unmixed.fcs
· Disease in remission R10_Batch2_Unmixed.fcs · R11_Batch2_Unmixed.fcs · R12_Batch2_Unmixed.fcs · R13_Batch3_Unmixed.fcs · R14_Batch3_Unmixed.fcs · R15_Batch3_Unmixed.fcs · R16_Batch3_Unmixed.fcs · R17_Batch3_Unmixed.fcs · R18_Batch 3_Unmixed.fcs · R19_Batch3_Unmixed.fcs · R1_Batch1_Unmixed.fcs · R20_Batch2_Unmixed.fcs · R2_Batch1_Unmixed.fcs · R3_Batch1_Unmixed.fcs · R4_Batch1_Unmixed.fcs · R5_Batch1_Unmixed.fcs · R6_Batch2_Unmixed.fcs · R7_Batch2_Unmixed.fcs · R8_Batch2_Unmixed.fcs · R9_Batch2_Unmixed.fcs
· HC HC10_Batch2_Unmixed.fcs · HC11_Batch2_Unmixed.fcs · HC12_Batch2_Unmixed.fcs · HC13_Batch3_Unmixed.fcs · HC14_Batch3_Unmixed.fcs · HC15_Batch3_Unmixed.fcs · HC16_Batch3_Unmixed.fcs · HC17_Batch3_Unmixed.fcs · HC18_Batch3_Unmixed.fcs · HC19_Batch3_Unmixed.fcs · HC1_Batch1_Unmixed.fcs · HC20_Batch3_Unmixed.fcs · HC2_Batch1_Unmixed.fcs · HC3_Batch1_Unmixed.fcs · HC4_Batch1_Unmixed.fcs · HC5_Batch1_Unmixed.fcs · HC6_Batch2_Unmixed.fcs · HC7_Batch2_Unmixed.fcs · HC8_Batch2_Unmixed.fcs · HC9_Batch2_Unmixed.fcs

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