10 most popular datasets this month (based on downloads within the last month)

Experiment Name Repository ID Pubmed ID(s) Journal(s) FCS Files Illustrations Primary Researcher Project MIFlowCyt Score Updated
Konecny et al, 50-color panel FR-FCM-Z73V 73 1 Florian Mair
Dec 2023
Integrated trajectories of the maternal metabolome, proteome, and immunome predict labor onset FR-FCM-Z3FH [33952678] 726 2 Brice Gaudilliere
Jun 2021
Determining the role of CD4+ and CD8+ T-cells in the LST response FR-FCM-Z6UG 8 1 Jalal Alshaweesh
Oct 2023
Increased Frequency of T Peripheral Helper Cells and Plasmablasts Correlates with Disease Activity in Childhood-Onset Systemic Lupus Erythematosus with Nephritis FR-FCM-Z6YW 338 1 Ryan Baxter
Jan 2023
Automated flow cytometric MRD Assessment in Childhood Acute B- Lymphoblastic Leukemia using Supervised Machine Learning FR-FCM-ZYVT [31282025] Cytalogo 337 1 Margarita Maurer-Granofszky
Jul 2019
Relapse prediction in leukemia FR-FCM-Z7A2 1392 1 Álvaro Martínez-Rubio
Apr 2024
OMIP-69, Spectral Flow Cytometry, 40 colors, PBMCs of GPA patients and HC FR-FCM-Z7YM [32830910] 60 2 Nanthicha Inrueangsri
Apr 2024
AML, FlowCAP-II FR-FCM-ZZYA [23396282] [24407226] Cytalogo Natmetlogo Bioinformaticslogo 2872 4 Nima Aghaeepour
Jan 2013
Hematologist-level classification of mature B-cell neoplasm using deep learning on multiparameter flow cytometry data FR-FCM-Z2JW 7883 1 Max Zhao
Oct 2020
Surface Marker Flow Cytometry in human eosinophils after glucocorticoid exposure FR-FCM-ZYND [29885264] Scientificdatanaturelogo 30 1 Michelle Makiya
Jul 2018

10 most popular datasets (based on all time downloads)

Experiment Name Repository ID Manuscript(s) Journal(s) FCS Files Illustrations Primary Researcher Project MIFlowCyt Score Updated
FCS collection for software testing FR-FCM-ZZZ4 39 3 Ryan Brinkman Community datasets
Dec 2015
AML, FlowCAP-II FR-FCM-ZZYA [23396282] [24407226] [PMC3906045] Cytalogo Natmetlogo Bioinformaticslogo 2872 4 Nima Aghaeepour Community datasets
Jan 2013
HEUvsUE, FlowCAP-II FR-FCM-ZZZU [23396282] [PMC3906045] Natmetlogo 308 4 Nima Aghaeepour Community datasets
Jan 2013
HIV Progression, FlowCAP IV FR-FCM-ZZ99 766 3 Nima Aghaeepour Community datasets
Jul 2015
Safety / Immunogenicity of PENNVAX-B with / without IL12 DNA plasmid via electroporation in healthy adults FR-FCM-ZZ7U [23840043] [24382714] [PMC3733506] Cytalogo Jidlogo 470 1 Greg Finak
Mar 2014
Immune profiling of different human tumors coupled with murine reverse translational studies identify CD73 as a rational combinatorial target for GBM FR-FCM-Z2B3 200 1 Andrew Cornish
Dec 2019
IDCRP's HIV Natural History Study FR-FCM-ZZZK [20001854] [18667932] [22383736] [23044634] [24407226] [PMC2939466] [PMC3315712] [PMC3726344] Jidlogo Jaidslogo Bioinformaticslogo 466 2 Nima Aghaeepour
Oct 2013
Surface Marker Flow Cytometry in human eosinophils after glucocorticoid exposure FR-FCM-ZYND [29885264] Scientificdatanaturelogo 30 1 Michelle Makiya
Jul 2018
GvHD, FlowCAP-I FR-FCM-ZZY2 [17531779] [23396282] [PMC3906045] [PMC2000975] Bbmtlogo Natmetlogo 12 3 Nima Aghaeepour Community datasets
Jan 2013
Comparison of clustering methods for high-dimensional single-cell flow and mass cytometry (CyTOF) data FR-FCM-ZZPH [27992111] [31099963] Cytalogo 14 1 Lukas Weber
Dec 2016